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Thursday, January 11, 2018

DenCity is supported by blockchain technology

DenCity is supported by blockchain technology

DenCity AI's intelligent algorithm helps generate a growing environment as the number of people who join, interact and transact. Dencity is an alternative universe supported by blockchain technology. election to build 'life; As an internet extension, it should offer an important plan. You want a secondary life in the universe of Dencity. This is a universe wherever there is no centralized government. You choose how to live as a community or sub-community. Your personnel is shown in this universe as an Associate in Nursing avatar. You are your avatar as long as the crypto is real. Along with this, people are in position next to this, people can sell products and services between the schemes and get DNX Token, Etereum-based associate degree of most ERC20 tokens that can be utilized in each real world and virtual. DNX allows Metaverse voters to interact and transfer assets between them and at the same time this DNX token has a price on the far side of DenCity's virtual life. DenCity can be a video game and the Blockchain platform provides a layer of ownership in which you own the assets you have built or acquired over time. Credential proof of ownership ensures that under any circumstances, your Dencity life can be taken from you. The bonding tape layer also acts as a governance layer because Metaverse will need rules and regulations decided by citizens.

Token sales details:
For phase 1 - Homestead nebula, Dencity plans to collect $ 30 million, through the sale of 900 Million DNX tokens. This will be 30% of total token supply. Each token will be priced at $ 0.034. You can join a whitelist now for presale. At presale you can enjoy up to 40% bonus.


Important important links related to the project below and keep it updated:


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